Monday, December 3, 2012

Using Podcasts to Support Your Small Business Online

Marketing has Never Been So Entertaining

In this age of technology, reading isn't the only way to get information. People are becoming more and more creative with the way that they present facts to the public, and video and audio are the latest way to broadcast information out to the world. One increasingly popular way to get multi-media out to people is through podcasting.

A podcast is a series of digital files that are released in episodes. People can download and review them as they become available. If you're thinking about using this medium to support your small business online, then you're taking a big step towards the future of marketing.

It's really not as difficult to create an audio or video as you might think. The first step to using podcasts to support your small business online is creating original media content for people to download. You can choose audio or video, depending on which you prefer and which you think will be most effective in helping your business. You can record demonstrations of your product, how-tos for different aspects of your area of expertise, and even customer testimonials. You can subscribe to various podcasts yourself to get a feel for what works and what doesn't.

Once you create the material, it's easy to upload it to a website that will easily create an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed. Once you've got it uploaded, it's now available for anyone around the world with an internet connection to download and review. If you're intent on using podcasts to support your small business online, then you should try to make your videos as creative and fun as possible. More people will watch them and subscribe to them if they're entertaining. But, at the same time, you want to be sure to provide valuable information about your business in your broadcasts, too.

Using podcasts to support your small business online is not only an easy way to get people interested in your business, but also a great way to keep people informed about any news pertaining to your business or industry. People are much more likely to watch a short video or listen to a short audio file than they are to read even a one-page newsletter. The truth is, video and audio has been proven to have a much higher conversion rate. In the age of the internet, entertainment is king. So you might as well do your best to make your podcasts as entertaining as possible. This will not only be more fun for your subscribers, but it'll be more fun for you as well.

School and College Radio   Internet Marketing - Using Podcasts   Six Benefits of Podcasting   The Benefits of Starting a Podcast   

Twelve Tips For a Successful Podcast

The following list includes factors that make for good podcasting - and particularly those first few podcasts:

Keep it short. I suggest you start by creating a 5 minute podcast. A shorter podcast may encourage people to give it a try. If they have to listen to 30 minutes, they might not be so keen to invest the time. You can always increase the length of the podcast as your audience grows. Focus on a particular area of interest and talk in depth on that subject area. Project your personality through the podcast. People will listen to a podcast not just for the information that is included in it, but also because of your style of presentation and your personality. Include anecdotes. Just like in public speaking, from Jesus' time to the present day, storytelling really livens up any presentation and captures the listener's attention. Don't read from a script. Unless you have a gift for enlivening things written down in a script, it is far better to create a framework and speak from the framework using your own words. I would prefer to hear a few 'umms,' 'likes' and 'arghs' and have a presentation made spontaneously than a perfectly read but stultifying presentation made from a script. Record animatedly. When recording your podcast, do it with energy and passion. A great trick that will automatically make things sound a whole lot better it to stand up and move your arms while you are podcasting. Use a good microphone. I am always amazed at how audibly illiterate some people are when they use an inadequate microphone (or worse a microphone 'built in' to their computer or MP3 player) to record a podcast. In the worse cases you have to actually strain your ears to hear the words, in the best, background noise and ambient sound can be clearly heard during the podcast. Microphones to look at (all of which are USB microphones that plug directly into your PC) include the Samson C03U USB Studio Condenser Mic or the Bluemic Snowball Get to the subject at hand as quickly as possible. There seems to be a trend towards adding all sorts of unnecessary clutter (such as a theme tune) at the beginning of a podcast. This may be okay for podcasts that you are listening to passively (e.g. on a car journey), but for those listening purposefully at their desks, unnecessary content can be an annoyance. Listen and learn from other people's podcasts in your subject area. This can be a great eye opener (or 'ear' opener!) as to what works and what doesn't. Consider asking a colleague or subject matter expert to join you and take part in the podcast. The interchange between two people can make for more interesting and entertaining listening than one sole presenter. Solicit questions and suggestions from the audience. By incorporating information that listeners have shown an interest in will automatically ensure that the podcasts are relevant to the audience. Publicize the podcast. If no one downloads the podcast then, however good it is, it will be a waste of time. Make sure that you include a link on your Web site. Send existing clients a link and consider issuing a press release. Bear in mind that many of your customers may not know what a podcast is. Make sure that you educate them and provide clear instructions as to how they could 'subscribe' to the podcast so that they will be assured of getting future episodes. School and College Radio   Internet Marketing - Using Podcasts   Six Benefits of Podcasting   The Benefits of Starting a Podcast   Podcast Transcription: Converting the Spoken to the Written   

The Importance of Podcast Transcription

Many podcast owners do not have their podcasts transcribed, and this is very surprising due to the value that it brings. Yes, it might cost a little money unless you do it yourself, but the ROI (return on investment) can be very high. There are five main reasons for getting your podcast transcribed.

First, they are searchable. Generally, podcasts are not searchable, but transcripts are just text, and people can find what you are talking about via just a regular Google search. They can help generate more traffic to your website and more subscribers to your podcast as well. If you don't get your podcast transcribed, people won't find you by searching. Transcripts can also double as content. If you aren't sure what to put on your blog, you can copy the transcript onto there. It is also a great thing to put into your newsletter, and adds a whole lot of content quickly and easily. After you have a few transcripts, or maybe quite a few, you can then make an eBook out of them. This can directly help you get more revenue. Transcripts also give your podcast a much wider audience. Some people still prefer text, for whatever reason, to audio and/or video, so having a transcript available will allow them to read everything that went on in their mode of preference.

A general rule of thumb is that the more options you give to people, the more people will actually use your product, which, in this case, is your podcast. People might also use the transcript to highlight key moments of it when discussing it on other blogs, so it is really helpful to have. Lastly, you can use the transcript yourself as a reference material. Let's say you are trying to remember what was said during a previous podcast, but can't even remember which one it was. If you have an archive of transcripts, you will be able to easily search for the phrase you want, and find out who said it, when it was said, and what was being said before and after that.

As you can see, transcripts really are useful. Basically, if you want to drive more traffic to your site, gain more listeners or viewers, and make more money, then you should get your podcast transcribed. Everyone might not be doing it, but they should be.

School and College Radio   Internet Marketing - Using Podcasts   Six Benefits of Podcasting   The Benefits of Starting a Podcast   Podcast Transcription: Converting the Spoken to the Written   

So, What Makes a Good Podcast?

Not everything you write or blog about will be suitable for a Podcast, often some of the things are too long, not relevant or simply just do not work when transferred into audio, but there are lots of other things you can make into a podcast to download to your computer and allow your clients to listen to what you have to say.

So, what are the best things to make into a Podcast?

Latest News Snippets - If you want to tell the world about the latest company news or something that has happened for one of your clients, releasing a quick podcast is really the way to go. People will listen and remember what you are saying, where if you are writing a press release or loads of text, it can be quite difficult for the person looking at your news to remember exactly what you are say.

Top Ten Tips - Top ten tips or top five tips have really transformed the way articles are written, making them more concise and more popular on the Internet for users to find out information. This can be exactly the same with Podcasts, as people will download a short piece about the top ten ways to do this or maybe five ways to increase your sales. The options really are endless and just like articles, customers and clients really do prefer quick information and top ideas about how to do something.

Quick User Guides - Ever wanted to know how to change the oil in your car or simply wanted to find out how to replace a part in one of your coffee machines? How much easier would it be to listen to someone telling you how to do it, step by step, instead of having to read through loads of text and then print it all out to try and follow it. Your customers will love the fact they can download really quick guides to help them with all kinds of services and products you might offer and you will be really surprised how popular these might well become.

Opinions On The News - Reacting to the latest news is a good way to pick up instant and relevant traffic, especially if your website is relevant to the news you are commenting upon. The Internet has transformed the way news works, with 24 hour, live streaming news from all areas of the world accessible for free at anytime, thanks to our computers and broadband connection.

Niche Interviews And Debates - Interviews make a cracking Podcast. Often, interviews that have to be read from a computer screen or interview can make very boring reading, but when the user can actually hear the interview taking place, it often adds a new dimension and excitement to the process. Imagine having to read about Prime Minsters Question Time instead of watching it, you would lose the atmosphere; the banter and the general enjoy ability of a good interview or debate.

School and College Radio   Internet Marketing - Using Podcasts   Six Benefits of Podcasting   The Benefits of Starting a Podcast   

How an Audio Podcast Can Help You Promote Your Business and Produce Results

Since the infancy stages of the internet explosion, large businesses and entrepreneurs alike have spent countless hours and blown many a budget in their efforts to drive more traffic to their websites. Search engine optimization and bidding on keywords for positioning, are strategies known to even the most novice of marketers.'ve got them what? Once again, we throw our time and effort into inundating them with information and way too many tabs, links, blogs, chats, surveys, forms or various and sundry point and click options. Although it is generally useful and necessary information, often times these tactics don't encourage or motivate people to STAY. As a matter of fact, some expert Web Designers are now saying, "Less focus on colors, movement and information overload and more focus on clear, concise content." Solution...Custom Audio Podcast.

An audio podcast is simply a recorded audio file in mp3 format. It is easily downloaded to your website and can be played on most any media player (i.e....Windows Media Player, QuickTime, Real Player, etc...). It allows you the ability to gain and keep the attention of someone viewing your website by giving you an opportunity to 'talk' to them about your products, services or any information that is critical for them to know, BEFORE they leave your website. According to independent surveys, the average person spends less than 35 seconds viewing a web page. Give them a point and click option that turns that 35 second experience into something more useful for them and potentially profitable for you by using Audio Podcast.

When asked, most people will say they prefer visuals. After all, it's not too difficult to catch someone's attention because we are always looking. But no matter how many beautiful and colorful pictures, shapes and backgrounds we have on our web pages, we are still relying on people to READ. Let's face it; we don't even take the time to read through our own mail sometimes. As soon as we deem it to be junk; it is history. So, ask yourself, how many people are really reading your e-newsletters, blogs, product information and service offerings?

Audio Podcast can easily summarize what's inside all of the tabs, screens and links, and your listeners are able to quickly realize what you are offering and/or how to navigate their way to the information they really came searching for. Sounds easy right? Now the million dollar question do I make an Audio Podcast. A professional production studio, experienced in handling multi-media projects, is your best bet for high caliber recordings with broadcast quality. We must remember that people browse very quickly and will only tolerate a few seconds on anything that is done using poor quality. one wants to hear someone blandly reading information. A professional production studio uses superior, digital recording technology and studio equipment and provides a music library with a vast selection of background instrumentals to give the Audio Podcast energy and motion.

Make sure your website is working for you and not against you by investing in Audio Podcast, which, by the way, are a fraction of the cost you will pay for a 1/4 page advertisement in your local newspaper or magazine. Additionally, there is no time restriction for you to have your customized Podcast available for listening. You control where on your website you choose to display it, how long to keep it available and you can have as many or as few Podcast as you want, available simultaneously. As with any decision involving spending your hard earned cash; do your research on the company you select and ask for a sample to test their quality and speed of delivery.

School and College Radio   Internet Marketing - Using Podcasts   Six Benefits of Podcasting   The Benefits of Starting a Podcast   

Tips to Making a Professional Podcast

One of the things you always want to do when creating content is to make it look professional. Or, in the case of a podcast, make it sound professional. After all, a professional podcast is the measuring stick your audience is going to use when they grade you. And they will.

But how do you make your podcasts sound professional?

In this article I'm going to share seven tips to making a professional podcast. Now let's get something clear from the beginning. Hiring a sound studio is not in the budget. In fact, none of these tips require much money. Sounding professional can now be done with the barest of budgets.

1. Always start with a plan!

Podcasts are usually a simple form of learning content. Like any learning content they don't just appear. At least not if they're good. Always plan your podcast for what content and format you'll use. Organization needs to be built. It doesn't just appear. In other words, write an outline before you script the show!

2. Don't make it up as you go!

It may sound like professionals make it up as they go. But that's what makes them professionals. Practice! Specifically practice at making it sound like the script being read is really an off the cuff speech. Even if you only work from an outline, always have a script. And then practice it.

3. Get a head start!

How many times have you heard people on a voice chat where you hear their kids playing in the next room? Usually better than you hear them! That's the result of using the wrong microphone. Don't use a desktop microphone. Desktop microphone bad! Headset microphone cheap. Headset microphone good. Yes, there is a technical explanation. But bottom line use a headset -- even a five dollar one is better than a twenty dollar desktop!

4. Take it on the chin!

Want that deep rumbly voice that all good radio broadcasters have? The voice of doom... even if you aren't planning a career on a ranch! Move the microphone to just below your jaw line. Say half an inch below your closed jaw or at the bottom of a stretched open jaw. Well out of the way of your mouth and the pops and sputters.

5. A different view of the bar stool!

How many bar stools have you seen the underside of? Too many? Okay this one's easy. When you record you should always stand up. If it's going to be a long recording session, use a bar stool. Just perch on the edge of it. That'll take the weight off your feet. But you'll still get the lung expansion that standing gives you.

6. Smile -- the audience will wonder what you're up to!

Sorry, this one is a little obvious. Smile when you are recording. It sounds silly but your audience can hear if you like them. So smile! You do like having an audience don't you? Tell them with your smile.

7. Spit shine and boot black.

What makes a professional sound like a professional? A good editor. Don't worry about mistakes. Just record enough material to give the editor something to work with. Record all your practice sessions. Then edit your podcast. Clean up the mistakes. Add music. Add audio packaging. You'll be surprised how good a little editing will make you sound.

School and College Radio   Internet Marketing - Using Podcasts   Six Benefits of Podcasting   The Benefits of Starting a Podcast   

Earn Cash Make Money Online Start a Podcast - Part 2

You've established an interesting podcast with a focused theme, you have a great team and you've encouraged audience participation, what now? Read on!

Earn Cash Make Money Online by Starting a Podcast Tip Number 4: choose relevant ads

When you receive advertising offers try to accept the ones that are relevant to your podcast. This will not alienate your audience and will actually be more effective in terms of advertising. Another important thing is the timing of your spoken ads, make sure they somehow fit between your normal talk and not just blurted out whenever convenient.

Earn Cash Make Money Online by Starting a Podcast Tip Number 5: have fun

Don't think of it as a chore or just a way to make money. Any feelings of boredom or uneasiness will be transported to your audience through your voice and tone; there is nothing more off putting this. If you are having fun with your team then this atmosphere will infuse your audience with the same spirit and will make them enjoy your programs more.

Earn Cash Make Money Online by Starting a Podcast Tip Number 6: have guests form other popular and related podcasts

Having guest podcasters from popular podcasts will double your audience, because this is effectively cross advertising. His or her audience will want to listen to you, and your audience will want to listen to him. So it also pays to be the guest to another podcast. Be sure to choose relevant podcasts thought.

Creating a podcast is a lot of fun, but it also requires effort and patience to make money off of it. If it is your passion then go for it and follow our tips then improvise and choose your style later on.

School and College Radio   Internet Marketing - Using Podcasts   Six Benefits of Podcasting   The Benefits of Starting a Podcast   

Want to Know How to Podcast?

Many of you may not know how to Podcast. In fact, several people may not know what exactly podcast is. Podcast is nothing but the release and download of a series of digital media files in a set of episodes through web syndication.

You may wonder how it is different from web download and web streaming. It differs in the mode of delivery. The audio or video files are maintained on a centrally distributed server and a user needs special software called pod catcher to access these files. It also checks for updates and settings can be made such that any newly updated files are downloaded automatically. The common audio formats used in podcasts are mp3 and Ogg Vorbis.

It was first named as podcast by a person named Ben Hammersley. It is portmanteau of the words "iPod" and "broadcasting". Some may have a misguided notion that one needs an ipod to podcast but that is not true. It is just enough to have a computer that can play the specified audio formats. "Personal on Demand" was proposed as an acronym for podcast. And sometimes the term 'net cast' is used as a synonym for podcast.

Podcasting started to gain momentum in the later months of 2004 and has emerged as a popular service with the increase in use of the Internet. Podcasting is creating quite abuzz in technological circles. It provides a user with several options in the context of content and features. The listeners also have the facility to choose the time and place of podcasts.

Podcasting delivers media files to the user using RSS feed. Therefore to create a podcast one must record a media file and place it in the enclosure field of the RSS 2.0 feed. Although there may be some expenses involved in using recording equipment once recorded several software's are available for free that help in editing the recorded files. Numerous tools are also present that aid us in creating RSS 2.0 feed.

The procedure to podcast can therefore be summarized as follows. First step is to plan what you want to podcast and create a media file. Secondly, add the audio or video file to the enclosure tag of RSS feed and finally submit the podcast and advertise to the world about your podcast.

Now that you have the detailed step by step procedure regarding how to podcast go ahead and start your own podcast before it gets too late!

School and College Radio   Internet Marketing - Using Podcasts   Six Benefits of Podcasting   The Benefits of Starting a Podcast   Podcast Transcription: Converting the Spoken to the Written   How to Begin Podcasting the Right Way   

Why You Should Invest in Podcasting - The Latest Internet Trend!

Podcasting is the latest and modern tool essential for distributing the audio and video files. This technology resembles the radio broadcastings, but more convenient than the regular radio. Podcasts can be downloaded free to your mobile devices and personal computer to listen to it any time. The software podcatcher is used to download these programs. And with this software you can check for updates and download it to your portable device anytime. Podcasting is highly malleable as it can be automatically fed to your mobile or personal computer. The downloaded files can be heard at any time, even when you are offline.

Podcasting is used in building up a strong business through internet. Advertising is made easy through this advanced technology. This technology involves less expense but highly useful.

Podcasting files are available in various formats including image, text, PDF etc. Podcasting is very fast since it automatically downloads the new files. It is used in various fields and some of them to highlight are:

* It is a useful tool for students and teachers as it can be used to share information any time.

* Podcasting is highly used in entertainment field for delivering commentaries, comedy track, live performances etc.

* News papers use this tool to drive traffic to their website by broadcasting audio content.

* Podcasting can flawlessly streamline live music in the internet.

* This inexpensive tool has become a compulsory one for the business people to advertise their product easily.

Podcasting is not limited to ipods alone. It can also be stored in your personal computer and mobile devices. This is like blogging but podcasting comes with audio or video stream. Using podcasting business people can reach any of their customers living anywhere in the world. Advertising through this tool not only saves time but also an inexpensive tool that can take your product to the audience with more details. Podcasting can give you continuous business, as people once subscribe with you will be anxiously waiting for another podcast.

Podcasting is the best tool to market products. Television and radio channels allow you to advertise your products only for fraction of seconds in more cost. In podcasts customers can listen to your advertisement as long as they wish, but on an average people listen to a podcast for maximum of three minutes. So, you are getting sufficient time to convey your message to the audience.

Undoubtedly, if you are thinking of moving your business to great heights, you need to adapt to podcasting system.

School and College Radio   Internet Marketing - Using Podcasts   Six Benefits of Podcasting   The Benefits of Starting a Podcast   

Why You Should Invest in Podcasting - The Latest Internet Trend!

Podcasting is just a tool that is doing very well right now. Podcasting is the online (on the Internet) distribution of audio or video files, like radio broadcastings and music videos, to listen to on mobile devices and computers. It is possible to download free podcasts online to listen to on your mobile device but the big difference between radio on demand and podcast broadcasting is the possibility of an automatic feed to your mobile device or computer. Podcasting is still malleable as it is an emerging technology. It will be interesting to see how it plays out over the next 12 months as it hits the mainstream.

Podcasting is a strong business tool. Podcasting is an evolutionary technology which would continue to gain popularity because of the convenience it lends to users. Forward thinking technologies like podcasting give more flexibility and ease of usage to the users. Podcasting is a way to automatically transfer files from server to client. The files can be in several formats, images, text, PDF, almost any type which makes this type of broadcasting very flexible.

Podcasting is actually relatively simple. In another article I will be including information on how to create a podcast using the telephone. Podcasting is a disruptive technology that is revolutionizing business communication. As such, it is a proven innovation that creates customers. Podcasting is cost effective, simple to do and can reach a worldwide audience. This means that students can achieve high quality exposure using school or library resources.

Podcasting is not limited to iPods. You can listen to a Podcast on any computer or any MP3 player.

Podcasting is a cutting edge technology which if implemented effectively will enrich our day to day lives. Podcasting is like the unexplored country, this means that anyone with something to say, has an opportunity to say it, whether they have political views or success tip for people. The result is you're going to get podcasts which provide real value and podcast which waste your time and podcast which can potentially offend. Podcasting is spreading like wildfire, and now is your opportunity to start reaching out to people today.

Podcasting is the mechanism in the same way that blogging is. Some blogs are as professionally done and well thought out as any book or magazine article and some are dashed off like a Twitter entry. Podcasting is generally inexpensive to implement. Investment in a good quality microphone will ensure that the recording is audible. Podcasting is extremely beneficial in the business environment for a variety of reasons. To begin with, the users can subscribe to whatever may interest the user.

Podcasting is a new trend, and there are a lot of people who haven't heard of it or don't know exactly what it is. Basically, podcasting is like blogging, but with audio. Podcasting is a new technique, and it's also something that people have been doing a lot of thinking about of late. It was our opinion that if it was financially/technically feasible for us to podcast our sessions, and see what comes of that, then we really had to do it to maintain our credibility as Web 2.0 boosters. Podcasting is a viable and interesting new method of communication. Use podcasting to boost your company to the forefront of your industry.

Podcast Marketing is the method of creating and publishing audio and video programs via the Internet. It allows companies or marketer's users, clients, and customers to subscribe to a feed of new information about products and services. Podcasters may indeed revitalize the art of radio itself. And they're hitting it in all four of radio's vanguards: Sound design, talent, revenue, and distribution.

School and College Radio   Internet Marketing - Using Podcasts   Six Benefits of Podcasting   The Benefits of Starting a Podcast   Podcast Transcription: Converting the Spoken to the Written   How to Begin Podcasting the Right Way   

How to Use Podcasting to Gain Authority For Your Business - Part One

Podcasts are perhaps one of the most under rated tools that you can use in order to help promote your business. In Part One of this article I will walk you through exactly what a podcast is and why it is something that you should be using for your business.

It is evident these days that with the continual advances in technology that we're seeing, the ability to record and produce a podcast has now become a pretty simplistic task. You certainly no longer need radio station or studio-quality recording equipment in order to produce a good quality podcast for your audience.

But why do it in the first place?

What Is A Podcast?

Well, lets start by looking at exactly what a podcast is. To put it into its simplest terms, a podcast is essentially an audio clip (or audio file) that can be placed (often referred to as embedded) anywhere on your website, and can potentially be listened to by anyone who visits your site.

Podcasting first became popular in 2005 with the launch of iTunes. If the latest statistics are to be believed, and given the current trends in the sales of portable media devices, as many as 275 million people around the world will own a portable media player by the year 2011.

This fact alone clearly demonstrates the popularity of listening on the move, or at least listening when it is convenient.

So why is this important?

Well, for prospects or customers who are interested in the audio that you have produced, it can also be downloaded onto an mp3 media device or onto a computer. In addition, there is also the possibility that people may want to subscribe to your podcasts, and as you'll find out in Part Two of this article, this is something that can provide huge potential success and opportunities for your business.

So one critical reason why podcasts offer such potential benefits for your business is by downloading it, your listener can digest your podcast at a convenient time to them.

This is an important distinction because it fits in perfectly within the new 'permission marketing' framework that I have mentioned in previous articles. If you can use a media (such as podcasting) that your target audience is using and is comfortable with, you have an opportunity to get your message across more effectively.

Providing Choice Is So Important

Having a choice of how and when to see or hear your company's message fits in perfectly with the way that your potential customers live their lives today. It can also carry more weight and effectiveness, as you are not ramming your company's message down the throat of every poor, unsuspecting person that walks by.

This is one of the reasons why podcasts are as popular as they are. We all have so little time on our hands these days and we are bombarded with literally hundreds upon hundreds of marketing messages each and every day. But with a podcast, it can be downloaded and listened to at home, at work, on the train, on the tube, in fact anywhere.

And by producing podcasts your business will be perceived as being different. This is also very important, and something that I will cover in Part Two of this article.

School and College Radio   Internet Marketing - Using Podcasts   Six Benefits of Podcasting   The Benefits of Starting a Podcast   

3 Ways to Generate New Podcast Content

- A Successful Podcaster Is A Content Consumer

One of the best ways to generate ideas for new podcast content is to be a content consumer. The more information you consume regarding your podcast topic the better prepared you will be to create new and exciting material for your podcast. I am going to give you 3 Ways guaranteed to help you generate new podcast content on a consistent basis.

Let's assume that you have started a podcast about video games. Each week you talk about the latest developments in new games coming out for PCs and other gaming consoles. It may be easy to create 10 podcast episodes based on what you already know about new games coming out but at some point you will begin to exhaust your knowledge of the subject.

What do you do now?

1. Read Other Blogs

Find your niche's community and dive in. There are other people out there who are interested in the same topics as you, find them. Many of them will have a blog or website dedicated to the topic that you are podcasting about. Make it a point to visit their site frequently and read on what others in the community are talking about. Don't just stop with the blog posts themselves but read through the comments as well. Reading through the comments of a blog post is a great way to identify questions that the readers have about the topic that you can address in your podcast.

The important thing to remember when collecting podcast topics by reading other blog posts is that you never want to simply repeat what the blog author has already written. They put the time and effort into creating the content for their audience. You don't want to plagiarize what they have done but use it as inspiration. Remember, you are now an expert in your field and you have a lot to add to this topic. Take their information and add to it, give your opinion or spin on it and do some research on your own to add to it. If there were questions unanswered in the comments for the post then answer those questions in your podcast. If you thought the article was really well written then mention the site in your podcast and link to it in your show notes. The blog author will greatly appreciate it.

I subscribe to over 100 blogs that I scan every day for new content ideas for my podcasts and for this site. Having over 100 bookmarks stacked up in my web-browser that I have to click on individually to visit all of those sites is completely un-manageable. One tool that makes this process much easier for all of you is using an RSS Reader. By subscribing to the RSS Feeds for the sites that relate to your podcast topic you can open your reader everyday and scan the headlines looking for something that peaks your interest and then develop your new content from there.

2. Listen To Other Podcasts

Listening to other podcasts offers to huge benefits. The first benefit falls right in line with reading other blogs. Listening to other podcasts is a great source for topic ideas but remember you always want to use another podcast as an inspiration for your own work, not simply to repeat what another podcast has already said.

The second benefit of listening to other podcasts is finding new segments for your own podcast. Each podcast host has different ideas on the structure and content elements of their podcast. You might pick up some great ideas for new podcast segments related to news, listener feedback, events, etc. Many of these might prove to be a great addition to the structure of your podcast episodes.

You don't have to subscribe to all of these podcasts, just check in from time to time and catch an episode or two to see what you can gleam from them. After listening to a few episodes of the podcast, ask yourself, do I want to subscribe to this podcast? If you do, think about why. What was it about the podcast that appealed to you? What did you find unique or more interesting than the others. Was it the host? What was it about him/her that connected with you and how can you incorporate that into your podcast. Was it the structure? Use that too.

If you didn't like the podcast, that can be equally as helpful. Think about what you didn't like about the podcast and try to make sure that you don't have those same problems with your content.

One last thing about listening to other podcasts, if you find a podcast in your niche that you really enjoyed, invite the host to come be a guest co-host on your podcast. Give them an opportunity to talk a little bit about their podcast and then the two of you can have a great discussion about whatever topic you choose. This will do a number of things.

· It will get you involved in the podcast community for your niche.

· The co-host will undoubtedly mention in their own podcast that they are going to be co-hosting with you for an episode and this gives you exposure to all of their audience; people who are already your target market.

· You might get an invitation to co-host on their podcast for an episode.

Once you have explored all of the podcasts that are in your niche, start listening to podcasts outside of your category and see what you can use to generate new content for yourself.

3. Google Alerts

Google Alerts is a great tool to get daily updates on the news about your particular topic. Spend some time identifying the keywords related to your podcast topic and then create Google Alerts that will notify you of news and sites posting content related to those keywords. You can setup the notifications to come at whatever frequency you decide straight to your email inbox.

If there is a new video game in development then create a Google Alert for the name of that game and the company doing the development. Anytime something gets flagged with those keywords it will show up in your email inbox.

This is a great way to keep up to date on the latest news and trends in your topic and also find resources, either sites or blogs, that you might not have even known existed.

Utilizing the three methods I have outlined here you will find yourself with a constant stream of new information to consume and use to generate new content for your podcast as long as you are willing to invest the time and allow inspiration to find you.

School and College Radio   Internet Marketing - Using Podcasts   Six Benefits of Podcasting   The Benefits of Starting a Podcast   

Sunday, December 2, 2012

What Do You Need to Produce a Podcast?

If you want to produce your own podcast, it can be quite a bit of work. But if you have a passion for the subject you are wanting to do a show on, it can be quite a bit of fun as well. If you want to get started, there are some things that you will have to have. While you might expect to have to invest thousands of dollars in hardware and software, this really isn't needed at all to make your own show.

The first thing that you are going to need is a basic microphone. This does not have to be fancy or very expensive at all. Many shows don't use professional equipment at all. Even the ones that do started with basic computer microphones. As long as you can get a basic recording out of it, it will be more than fine. At a later date if your show becomes more popular, you can consider investing in something nicer, but don't do this at first.

Get a free program called Audacity. Many people who podcast use this program. Not only can you record with it, but you can also cut and mix the audio tracks. This helps you edit out mistakes, put music into the podcasts, and other things.

Be sure that you understand how to make a feed for your podcast. This is extremely important to getting listeners and something that many overlook. While it is a bit technical for many, it's not as hard as it sounds. Get this feed submitted to iTunes as well as other podcast directories. This will get you listeners which is what your goal is so that they can enjoy the show you want to make.

Get a basic site up as well as using social networking platforms. These will help you stay in touch with your listeners which is important to producing a better show.

School and College Radio   Internet Marketing - Using Podcasts   Six Benefits of Podcasting   The Benefits of Starting a Podcast   Podcast Transcription: Converting the Spoken to the Written   How to Begin Podcasting the Right Way   

Podcast on a Budget

One of the great things about podcasting is that it can be done on a very low budget. In fact, many of you may be able to get it all done for free. That's right many of you can produce and publish a podcast for free. But there is always a catch when things are free, isn't there. This podcasting tip is going to go through the basics and give you a rough outline of a small, medium and large budget podcast. I will give you some ideas on what it will cost in terms of equipment, software, etc. and then you can take that information and determine what your podcasting budget will be. Keep in mind what we are talking about here is the basics. What it would take, bare-bones, to create a podcast.


Let's start with what I think makes the most sense. At some point you are going to record a podcast episode, right? So you will need a microphone.


Many laptops and computers nowadays come with some form of built-in microphone. If you already have a computer with a built-in microphone then you have the recording equipment necessary to start your podcast. Now keep in mind, the sound quality that you are going to get from a built-in microphone is going to be marginal at best. Your listeners are not going to be sticking around for long if you don't have good sound quality, so while it is free, this is not the route I would recommend.

$15 - $60

The next category of microphone falls into one of two categories, you can go the USB headset/mic route or for this price category you can get a low-end desktop microphone.

When I first started podcasting, I bought a USB headset/mic for $29.99. Believe it or not I got great sound quality for the prices. My listeners were happy, I was happy, there was just a lot of happiness going around at the time and for a price like $29.99 you can't really beat that.

Over $250

If you have decided to go for studio sound quality, then you are looking at a price range starting around $250. What does that $250 get you? It gets a studio quality microphone with a desktop mic stand, a mixer with a USB output that connects to your computer and a microphone cable.

This will give you superb sound quality, but you pay for it.

Software For Editing

Unless you are a master podcaster, you probably will have to touch up your podcast in post production. Editing out spoken missteps, pauses, coughing, etc. For that you will need some editing software.


Audacity is a free software package that allows you to edit your podcast. The functionality is there to do everything you will need to produce your podcast. I have briefly toyed around with Audacity and it looks like a nice package but I don't use Audacity because I am lazy. I have a Mac that I use for my recording and editing. My Mac comes with GarageBand, which is what I learned to use first. I don't use Audacity because then I would have to learn the ins and outs of a new software package and like I said, lazy.


Propoganda is a software editing package that gets very good reviews and is widely known. I have never used the software but at a price of $49.99 it is a pretty good bargain.


At the top of the food chain is the Adobe Audition Suite. This is your studio quality software editing tool. If there is a bell or a whistle, Adobe Audition has it.


Buy a Macbook so that you can get GarageBand, which is what I prefer. OK, that's kind of a ridiculous option but I threw it in there anyway.

Website For Publishing


There are a couple of routes you can take to have your podcast published to the Internet for free. You can start your own WordPress Blog on, or you can use a service like Libsyn or, which hosts your podcast episodes for you and provides you with a feed that you can submit to iTunes.

$20 - $30

Register your own domain, and select a webhost. Setup a WordPress blog and host your podcast episodes on a domain dedicated to your podcast.

Above $200

If you are willing to spend the money, you can get your own domain and web-host, then hire a design company to create a site for you. The more you are willing to spend, the more you can outsource the daily functions of your website so that all you have to worry about is recording your podcast. These prices grow exponentially so this really is for when money is relatively no object.

So those are the three core areas that you must have to get started podcasting. If you ride the hard line on the small budget podcast, then I have shown you that it can be done for free. The medium path comes in between $60 and $110 depending on whether you use Audacity or Propaganda. If you want the Manhattan penthouse of podcasts then you are looking at probably over $800. Before any of you go into sticker shock about the $800 podcast, let me assure you that there are many levels in between for these categories. You can buy a $30 headset, get a free website, download a WordPress template and you are off and running with your podcast. For probably 95% of you, you will be up and running for $60 or less. Yes, it takes a little investment but it is better to invest a little bit of money so that you can attract new listeners with great content and great sound quality.

School and College Radio   Internet Marketing - Using Podcasts   Six Benefits of Podcasting   The Benefits of Starting a Podcast   Podcast Transcription: Converting the Spoken to the Written   

Is a Podcast Difficult to Produce?

Podcasting is one of those basic tactics that everyone who wants to sell information products over the internet should be involved in. It's like blogging. The only thing that should get in the way is a limit on your available time that forces you to specialize in a particular basic expertise building technique.

In short I'm always recommending podcasting to my coaching clients. But every once in a while I'll get a question along the lines of "Is a podcast difficult to produce?"

Now I could be real terse and simply say no. But there are several elements to that question. So since I'm writing an article and it has to be a minimum length let me give you a better explanation.

First off, to produce a podcast has a specific meaning and the meaning I'm sure my student meant. Properly used the phrase "producing a podcast" really means managing all those tasks required to generate a podcast. And since podcasts tend to be such a simple recording there isn't much need for managing them. And since there isn't much need to manage them it isn't likely that they would be difficult. But again that really doesn't answer my student's question.

So let's keep worrying at it by changing the definition of the word and then looking at the difficulty of each step.

What does it take to produce (i.e. create) a podcast and is any part of it difficult?

There are nine steps in producing a podcast. But the first four are niche issues... once you've done the work you don't need to worry about them until you change your niche. So as far as the podcast is concerned they aren't normally a problem. So what are the next five steps?

1. Determine your topic for the week. Okay, this can be a pain. But if you do it in groups you can usually create a series of podcasts based on a single idea.

2. Write your script (aka design your podcast for the week). Remember that a podcast is short -- fifteen minutes to a half hour or so. We're talking about three major points with three items per major point for a fifteen minute show -- at most! It should take you one to two times the length of time for your show to write the script. Difficult? Not at all.

3. Record your script. You're going to sit down at the computer with a headset on. You're going to record the script. For each point you're going to talk for 1 minute. Add some intro time. Every time you make a mistake record the time and keep going. Now do it again. Time consuming but easy!

4. Now you're going to edit the recording. Use a tool like Wavepad. Remember those mistakes you made a note of? You're going to remove them. Use the other recordings to give you material if you need it. Again time consuming but easy.

5. Now you're going to post it to your website. How you do it depends on your site and can run from child's play to easy.

So is a podcast difficult to produce? It may take time but it's really easy.

School and College Radio   Internet Marketing - Using Podcasts   Six Benefits of Podcasting   The Benefits of Starting a Podcast   Podcast Transcription: Converting the Spoken to the Written   

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